Stay Healthy While Working From Home

3 Ways To Stay Healthy While Working From Home

Today we are going to learn how to keep off the quarantine weight gain and stay healthy while working from home. You may have heard jokes about the quarantine fifteen. For many adults, spending more time at home is making them gain weight. Almost 50% of women and 25% of men said they’ve put on pounds due to COVID-19 restrictions, according to a WebMD poll.

Why It’s Hard To Stay Healthy While Working From Home

Why we are gaining all of this weight? There are several reasons why it’s so hard to stay healthy while working from home. Gyms are closed. Emotional eating is a convenient way to deal with boredom and anxiety. Plus, your refrigerator now remains within easy reach throughout the day and night.

Use these tips for eating healthy, staying active, and managing stress when you’re stuck at home.

Eating Healthy:

Eating healthy food is one of the easiest ways to stay healthy while working from home. What we put in our bodies has a profound effect on our health. There are many types of food to avoid, and here are some helpful hints to accomplish that.

  1. Plan your menu. Create new routines that encourage a balanced diet. Figure out what you’re going to eat for a day or a week in advance. Planning may also help you cut down on trips to the supermarket.
  2. Choose whole foods. It’s easier to resist junk food when you fill up on nutritious meals and snacks. Get most of your calories from vegetables, fruits, whole grains, healthy fats, and lean
  3. Drink water. Thirst can make you feel hungry. Cravings may disappear after you sip some water or herbal tea.
  4. Limit alcohol. COVID-19 has also caused an increase in alcohol consumption. Schedule liquor-free days each week to cut down on empty calories and other unwelcome side effects. When you drink, choose wine or a Bloody Mary instead of mixed drinks like a pina colada with more than 400 calories.
  5. Seek support. Invite family and friends to join you in eating healthier. Share updates on social media, so you’ll feel more accountable.

Staying Active:

Another way to stay healthy while working from home is to stay active. Working from home usually means a lot of sitting and not leaving the house as often. This causes our body to become sedentary and not burn as many calories. But how do we counteract this stagnation? Easy.

  1. Exercise outdoors. Go outside to work out. Maintain a safe distance while you run through the park or ride your bike.
  2. Create a home gym. You can exercise at home even with limited space and funds. Try yoga or buy a jump rope and resistance bands.
  3. Go online. Do you miss group fitness classes? Your favorite instructors may be streaming their sessions. Contact local fitness centers or browse online to see what’s available.
  4. Take active breaks. The hours can fly by when you’re working on a computer or streaming videos. Offset your sedentary habits by taking regular exercise breaks. Do a few push-ups or stretch your legs.
  5. Move more. Daily tasks count too. Burn calories and tone your muscles by doing lunges while you vacuum. Work in your garden or clean out your attic.

Managing Stress:

Stress can significantly impact weight, often resulting in weight gain. Stress is a fact of employment, and being cooped up along with it, really makes it difficult to stay healthy while working from home. When stressed, our bodies release the hormone cortisol, which is known to increase appetite, especially for sugary and fatty foods. This craving for high-calorie comfort foods can lead to overeating and, consequently, weight gain. Additionally, stress can cause changes in metabolism and insulin production, which can also contribute to weight gain.

  1. Sleep well. Your body and mind are more resilient when you’re well-rested. Go to bed and get up at the same time each day. Aim for a dark, quiet room to sleep in.
  2. Meditate daily. Even a few minutes of seated meditation can help you to live more mindfully. Sit down in a peaceful place. Scan your body and soften up any tight spots. Observe your thoughts without making judgments.
  3. Breathe deeply. If meditation makes you uncomfortable, maybe you’d prefer simple breathing exercises. Try alternate nostril breathing to fight anxiety. Use your thumb to close off one side of your nose at a time and inhale deeply. Repeat 3 times on each side.
  4. Listen to music. Symphonies and pop songs can help you deal with strong emotions. Create a soundtrack to lift your spirits or calm your fears.
  5. Try counseling. If daily stress is interfering with your diet and well-being, consider seeking professional help. Many counselors are using teletherapy to talk with patients online, so they can stay safe while you receive help.


Embracing a healthy lifestyle while being stuck at home is an excellent way to manage your weight and supercharge your immune system! By making conscious food choices and incorporating other positive habits into your daily routine, you’re setting yourself up for success. Making it easy to stay healthy while working from home.

Not only will these steps help in maintaining a balanced weight, but they’ll also significantly improve the overall quality of your life, making you feel happier, more energetic, and ready to tackle anything that comes your way!